The Matchbox - A Cycling Podcast

The Matchbox podcast presented by Ignition Coach Co - a cycling show that covers training-related topics in a discussion-oriented format. Show hosts, Adam Saban and Kaitlyn Maddox, are endurance coaches with Ignition Coach Co who share a passion for expanding their knowledge of endurance training. They have also competed as elite cyclists across various disciplines and often lean on their experiences competing at the highest level to provide unique perspective into the world of bike racing. Tune in each week to find out how you can find that extra match for your next race.

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2 days ago

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re discussing methods for finding max HR, addressing cycling-induced back pain, and periodization alternatives for working professionals. 
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
The following was generated using AI technologies
maximum heart rate, cycling, back pain, training plans, amateur cyclists, heart rate monitor, lactate threshold, strength training, aerobic capacity, cycling injuries
In this conversation, the hosts discuss various aspects of cycling training, focusing on how to determine an athlete's maximum heart rate, addressing common issues like back pain while cycling, and the importance of flexibility in training plans for amateur cyclists. They emphasize the significance of understanding heart rate zones, the role of strength training, and the necessity of building aerobic capacity for improved performance.
Finding maximum heart rate can be challenging and may require specific tests.
Heart rate monitors can sometimes give inaccurate readings during training.
Lactate threshold heart rate is often more useful than maximum heart rate for training.
Back pain while cycling can stem from various issues, including hip mobility.
Strength training should target specific deficiencies to avoid imbalances.
Shorter crank lengths can help alleviate back pain for some cyclists.
Mobility exercises are crucial for addressing underlying issues related to back pain.
Amateur cyclists should focus on building aerobic capacity rather than just intensity.
Training plans should be flexible to accommodate life changes and availability.
It's common for athletes to overestimate their training capacity.
Conquering Back Pain: Solutions for Cyclists
Flexible Training Plans for the Everyday Cyclist
Sound Bites
"What is the best way to find an athlete's maximum heart rate?"
"If your max that you've seen is 196, then 140s for your hard efforts is way too low."
"I highly doubt David's power meter is off to the point where he'd be doing too low of power."
00:00 Understanding Maximum Heart Rate in Athletes
13:50 Addressing Back Pain While Cycling
27:57 Training Flexibility for Amateur Cyclists

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re discussing how to monitor zone two guidelines, possible research topics for students, and training without power metrics.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
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In this conversation, the hosts discuss how to properly adjust zone two training and explore the use of heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring devices. They also provide insights into the Norwegian method of training, which involves more low-intensity zone two training. The hosts emphasize the importance of balancing volume and intensity in training and suggest conducting a study on different zones of zone two training. They also discuss the psychological aspects of endurance training and the correlation between delayed gratification and success. The conversation covers various topics related to psychological aspects of training and the use of metrics in training. The hosts discuss the idea of manipulating feedback to see how it affects performance, the use of power meters and heart rate monitors in interval workouts, and the importance of listening to your body and using RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) as a training tool. They also touch on the potential drawbacks of relying too heavily on data and the benefits of training without metrics.
zone two training, heart rate variability, Morpheus, Norwegian method, volume vs intensity, psychological aspects of endurance training, delayed gratification, psychological aspects, training, feedback manipulation, power meters, heart rate monitors, interval workouts, RPE, Rate of Perceived Exertion, data reliance
Adjusting zone two training can be done using heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring devices like Morpheus.
The Norwegian method of training involves more low-intensity zone two training.
Balancing volume and intensity is crucial for effective training.
Conducting a study on different zones of zone two training can fill a gap in the literature.
Psychological aspects, such as self-control and delayed gratification, play a role in endurance training success. Manipulating feedback can be an interesting experiment to see how it affects performance.
Using power meters and heart rate monitors can be helpful in interval workouts, but RPE is also a valuable training tool.
Don't let the metrics overwhelm you and prevent you from training. Trust your body and listen to how you're feeling.
Training without metrics can be a liberating and enjoyable experience.
Relying too heavily on data can be a crutch and may prevent you from fully tuning in to your body's signals.
Balancing Volume and Intensity in Training
The Norwegian Method: More Low-Intensity Zone Two Training The Value of RPE as a Training Tool
The Drawbacks of Relying Too Heavily on Data
Sound Bites
"How to properly adjust your zone two training"
"The use of heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring devices"
"The Norwegian method: more low-intensity zone two training"
"Manipulating feedback and seeing how it affects future performance."
"Garmin and Wahoo, the first one of them that can get RPE on your bike computer, they're gonna blow everybody out of the water."
"Don't let the metrics overwhelm you to the point where it paralyzes you."
00:00 Properly Adjusting Zone Two Training and HRV Monitoring Devices
11:35 Conducting a Study on Different Zones of Zone Two Training
29:20 The Value of RPE as a Training Tool
35:20 The Drawbacks of Data Reliance

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re discussing how to incorporate intensity into a mountain bikers training plan, ways to improve ability to execute tempo intervals, and we end with some lighthearted follow up discussion on sleep tactics.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
The following was generated using AI technologies
In this conversation, Adam and Kaitlyn discuss how mountain bikers can incorporate intensity and structured workouts into their training plans. They explore the idea of using mountain bike sessions as intensity days and provide insights on how to structure these rides. They also discuss the importance of handling the bike at high heart rates and the benefits of specific, targeted intensity workouts. In the second part of the conversation, they address the challenge of maintaining heart rate within the tempo zone during long intervals and provide strategies to improve efficiency. They also discuss the limitations of different training metrics and the importance of adjusting workouts based on external factors like core temperature and altitude. The conversation ends with a lighthearted discussion on podcasts to fall asleep to.
mountain biking, intensity, structured workouts, heart rate, tempo, efficiency, training metrics, core temperature, altitude, podcasts
Mountain bikers can incorporate intensity into their training by using mountain bike sessions as intensity days.
Efficiency while descending is important for mountain bike racing, so it's beneficial to practice handling the bike at high heart rates.
Long tempo intervals can be challenging to maintain heart rate within the tempo zone, but strategies like adjusting power, using RPE, and chunking the workout can help improve efficiency.
Different training metrics have their limitations, and it's beneficial to consider multiple metrics and consult with a coach for a holistic approach.
External factors like core temperature and altitude can affect performance during workouts, and adjustments may be necessary.
Listening to podcasts that are interesting but not too engaging can help with sleep latency by keeping the mind focused and preventing wandering thoughts.
Podcasts to Fall Asleep to: Finding the Right Balance
Strategies to Improve Efficiency in Long Tempo Intervals
Sound Bites
"Does mountain biking slot into endurance rides or intensity days?"
"Intensity days should be structured and specific"
"Trail days can have more structure than just riding hard"
00:00 Incorporating Intensity and Structured Workouts for Mountain Bikers
03:12 Efficiency and Handling at High Heart Rates in Mountain Biking
09:22 Strategies to Improve Efficiency in Long Tempo Intervals
14:06 Considerations for Training Metrics and External Factors
32:39 Podcasts to Fall Asleep to: Finding the Right Balance

Thursday Aug 29, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re discussing whether or not acclimatizing for altitude can be substituted with heat training and how to best execute VO2max intervals.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
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The conversation discusses the use of heat acclimation as a substitute for altitude training. The coaches agree that heat acclimation can be a good alternative if altitude training is not possible. Both heat and altitude acclimation increase blood volume, which can help with performance at altitude. However, heat acclimation should not be seen as a replacement for altitude acclimation, as the effects are not as significant. The coaches also discuss the stress on the nervous system during heat and altitude acclimation, and the importance of managing intensity during workouts. They also touch on the genetic variation in response to altitude and the potential benefits of heat acclimation over altitude acclimation. The conversation then transitions to discussing VO2 max intervals and how to approach them. The coaches advise against taking breaks in the middle of intervals and recommend adjusting the power target if necessary. They also emphasize the importance of pacing and mental strategies to push through the challenging moments of VO2 max intervals.
heat acclimation, altitude training, blood volume, nervous system, intensity, genetic variation, VO2 max intervals, pacing, mental strategies
Heat acclimation can be a substitute for altitude training if altitude acclimation is not possible.
Both heat and altitude acclimation increase blood volume, which can benefit performance at altitude.
Managing intensity during heat and altitude acclimation is important to avoid excessive stress on the nervous system.
There is genetic variation in response to altitude, and individual differences should be considered when planning acclimation strategies.
During VO2 max intervals, it is important to pace yourself and avoid taking breaks in the middle of intervals.
Adjusting the power target and using mental strategies can help push through the challenging moments of VO2 max intervals.
Genetic Variation in Response to Altitude
Heat Acclimation vs. Altitude Training: Pros and Cons
Sound Bites
"Heat acclimation and altitude acclimation increase blood volume."
"The effects of heat and altitude acclimation are not as significant as altitude acclimation alone."
"Adjusting the power target and using mental strategies can help push through the challenging moments of VO2 max intervals."
00:00 Heat Acclimation vs. Altitude Training
09:07 Managing Intensity and Stress during Acclimation
12:01 Genetic Variation in Response to Altitude
19:34 Approaching VO2 Max Intervals

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

The last month has been busy with all of our hosts traveling every week for various racing/events so here's another throwback to an earlier episode.
The MatchBox Podcast - Ep. 5 - Top 5 Training Mistakes Everyday Athletes Make (3/29/22)
Individual Top 3
Lack of consistency and structure - leading to plague
Under fueling training/ racing - leading to underperforming
Not targeting specific energy systems in a calculated and periodized approach - never maximizing specific improvement potential
Not Taking Recovery Serious
Playing the Comparison Game
Too hard on easy days (which of course leads to not hard enough on hard days)
Under-fueling your rides (especially endurance)
Too much obsession with power and not paying enough attention to prescribed sensations (could include some good notes here’s about ego and FTP)
Doing too much early in the training year when you’re fresh, —> burnout when it’s time to race 

Thursday Aug 15, 2024

The Matchbox - Season 2 Episode 37 - Intro/ Outro
Hello everyone. Welcome back to The Matchbox podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host Adam Saban and boy do we have a fun show for you today. We’re presenting you with our top 20 maximal to marginal gains, along with some low key debate and banter as we each defend our positions. So stay tuned until the end to find out our take on the most maximal gain you need in your training life.
Today’s show is also brought to your by Flow Formulas. All four of us on the Matchbox rely on Flow products to get us through training rides and across finish lines and we highly recommend you try it out too. So head over to today and use the discount code “ignitionpodcast” for 10% off any of their endurance-sport-specific nutrition products and let us know what you think. One of my favorites right now is the vanilla flavored recovery mix which is jam packed with the appropriate ratio of carbohydrates and proteins to fuel your post-workout recovery.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show send those to with email title The Matchbox Podcast or find us on Instagram and send us a DM.  Alright, let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re talking about some of the important demands of cycling you miss out on when spending too much time riding Zwift, tips for getting a better night’s sleep before your big event, and dream cycling destinations in Europe.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
The following was generated using AI technologies
In this conversation, the hosts discuss various topics related to cycling, including exercise time on Zwift versus outside, getting a good night's sleep before a race, and their dream cycling destinations in Europe. They share their experiences and insights, providing tips and advice along the way.
cycling, Zwift, exercise time, descending, endurance ride, sleep, race preparation, Europe, French Alps, Belgian Cobbled Bergs, Italian Dolomites, gravel races
Riding on Zwift can be a great way to enjoy group rides and maintain fitness, but it may not provide the same descending experience as riding outside.
When it comes to subtracting descending time from endurance rides, it depends on the specific goals and training plan. In general, it's important to consider the overall ride time and the specific muscles being used.
Getting a good night's sleep before a race is important, but the sleep you get throughout the week leading up to the race is even more crucial.
Having a sleep routine and prioritizing sleep hygiene can help improve the quality of sleep and reduce pre-race nerves.
When it comes to cycling in Europe, there are many exciting destinations to explore, including the French Alps, Belgian Cobbled Bergs, Italian Dolomites, and various gravel races.
Adventure riding, mixed-surface routes, and iconic climbs are some of the experiences cyclists look forward to when riding in Europe.
Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland are also mentioned as potential cycling destinations in Europe.
The hosts express their interest in exploring new places and experiencing different types of riding, both in Europe and other parts of the world.
Dream Cycling Destinations in Europe
The Importance of Sleep Leading Up to a Race
Sound Bites
"My problem with Zwift is the lack of descending."
"Your heart rate can be higher for the descent than it is for the climb."
"The sleep that you get the night before the race is a lot less important than the sleep that you get the week leading up to the race."
00:00 Introduction and Background
05:23 Considering Descending Time in Endurance Rides
13:01 Getting a Good Night's Sleep Before a Race
25:54 Dream Cycling Destinations in Europe
29:11 Cycling Experiences in Europe
36:27 Conclusion

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re talking about some strategies that can be implemented to improve your chances of success with last minute cram or panic training, as well as some best practices for balancing your training while also working  a labor-intensive job.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
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In this conversation, Adam and Kaitlyn discuss training for single speed racing and preparing for a mountain bike race with steep climbs. They provide advice on specific training strategies, including low cadence work and gear selection. They also emphasize the importance of getting comfortable on a single speed bike and developing skills specific to single speed racing. In this conversation, the hosts discuss the challenges faced by a cyclist who has a physically demanding job in construction. They provide suggestions on how to balance training and work, including fueling properly, staying hydrated, and timing nutrient intake. They also recommend structuring the training week with two intensity days on work days and longer endurance rides on weekends. The hosts emphasize the importance of rest and recovery, and acknowledge that the nature of the job may make it difficult to fully recover. They also highlight the advantage of being a crit racer with a limited training schedule.

Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re talking about using saunas for heat adaptation, is trainer time really worth more than riding outside, and single vs dual-sided power meters.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
The following was generated using AI technologies
The conversation covers topics related to heat adaptation through sauna use, the effectiveness of riding in the heat versus using a sauna, the value of dual-sided power meters versus single-sided power meters, and the importance of power balance in training. The hosts discuss the frequency and duration of sauna sessions for heat adaptation, the impact of heat on workout quality, and the potential benefits of sauna use for altitude acclimation. They also address the question of whether riding in the heat or using a sauna is more effective for heat adaptation. In terms of power meters, they discuss the accuracy and reliability of dual-sided power meters and the potential discrepancies between left and right power. They also consider the impact of different types of power meters on data analysis and coaching decisions.
heat adaptation, sauna use, riding in the heat, dual-sided power meters, single-sided power meters, power balance
Riding in the heat is more effective for heat adaptation than using a sauna when not riding.
For heat adaptation, it is recommended to ride during the hottest part of the day for endurance rides and use the sauna on lower intensity days.
Sauna protocols for heat adaptation may involve daily sauna sessions in the first week, followed by less frequent sessions.
The use of contrast therapy, such as a cold shower after a sauna session, may help reduce the effects of heat adaptation on sleep.
The accuracy and reliability of power meters vary, and dual-sided power meters are generally preferred for more accurate power data.
Power balance discrepancies between left and right legs may be more relevant in cases of injury or pain, and consistency in power measurement is important for accurate data analysis.
Sauna Protocols for Heat Adaptation
The Effectiveness of Dual-Sided Power Meters
Sound Bites
"Embrace the heat, ride during the hottest part of the day."
"The most effective way to use the sauna is immediately after the ride."
"60 minutes on the trainer is 60 minutes, you didn't create more time out of nowhere."
00:00 Heat Adaptation: Riding in the Heat vs. Sauna Use
03:52 Sauna Protocols for Heat Adaptation
08:23 The Effectiveness of Dual-Sided Power Meters
14:03 Considerations for Power Balance in Training

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

Hello everyone. Welcome to the latest episode of The Matchbox Podcast powered by Ignition Coach Co. I’m your host, Adam Saban, and on this week’s episode we’re talking about the best strategies for carrying your fluids and nutrition on the bike as well as low calorie density foods.
Today’s show is also brought to you by Flow Formulas. Head over to today to check out their full suite of endurance nutrition offerings and make sure to use the discount code “Matchbox” when checking out.
As always, if you like what you hear please share this with your friends and leave us a five star review and if you have any questions for the show drop us an email at with email title The Matchbox Podcast or head over to and fill out The Matchbox Podcast listener question form. Alight let’s get into it!
For more social media content, follow along @ignitioncoachco @adamsaban6 @dizzle_dillman @dylanjawnson @kait.maddox  
Matchbox Patreon: The Matchbox Patreon 
Intro/ Outro music by AlexGrohl - song "King Around Here" - 
The following was generated using AI technologies
The conversation discusses the use of bottles versus backpacks for endurance cycling events, specifically focusing on the Leadville race. The hosts provide their insights and experiences on the topic, considering factors such as aid station accessibility, hydration needs, and temperature conditions. They also touch on the idea of using insulated bladders and the convenience of swapping out bladders in a hydration pack. The conversation concludes with a brief mention of another question from a listener about episode numbers. The conversation discusses the concept of low calorie density foods and how they can help with weight loss and performance. Dylan shares examples of low calorie density meals, such as oatmeal with berries for breakfast and rice, beans, and vegetables for lunch or dinner. The importance of order of operation in eating low calorie density foods is also highlighted. The conversation concludes with a humorous exchange about Dylan's supposed love for barbecue sauce. Overall, the conversation provides insights into how to incorporate low calorie density foods into a cyclist's diet.
bottles, backpacks, Leadville, endurance cycling, hydration, aid stations, temperature, insulated bladders, swapping bladders, episode numbers, low calorie density foods, weight loss, performance, examples, oatmeal, berries, rice, beans, vegetables, order of operation, barbecue sauce
For longer endurance rides or races like Leadville, using both bottles and a backpack is common.
Consider the accessibility of aid stations and the time between them when deciding where to store carbs and water.
Putting hydration mix or carb mix in the backpack and water in the bottles is a convenient option.
Having at least one bottle of clear water is useful for purposes other than hydration.
Insulated bladders and DIY solutions for carrying hydration are worth exploring.
Pay attention to the correct proportion of water and mix when using a hydration pack. Low calorie density foods can help with weight loss and performance.
Examples of low calorie density meals include oatmeal with berries and rice, beans, and vegetables.
Order of operation in eating low calorie density foods is important.
Barbecue sauce can make low calorie density foods more palatable.
DIY Solutions for Carrying Hydration on Long Rides
Exploring the Idea of Insulated Bladders for Cycling Examples of Low Calorie Density Meals for Cyclists
Making Low Calorie Density Foods More Palatable with Barbecue Sauce
Sound Bites
"I'm wondering for Leadville if it would be better to have the Camelback filled with carbs and carbs mix and the bottles filled with water because there are times at Leadville which is difficult to get to your bottles."
"I'm always a proponent in that case of putting the hydration mix or your high carb drink mix in your pack."
"If your plan is not to have any pure water on your bike, then it doesn't matter, right? Cause you're going to put hydration mix or carb mix in both."
"Okay, so like breakfast is the same for me every single morning I do oatmeal and it's not just, it's not just oatmeal. I add, I actually add a bunch of stuff to it. I add, I add peanut butter. I had flax seed. I had chia seed. I berries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, banana."
"Mm -hmm. yeah, like, anyway, my go -to is like rice, beans, ton of vegetables. I also put a ton of spices on it, then put a ton of barbecue sauce on it. That's probably, other than oatmeal, that's probably my second most consumed meal."
00:00 Bottles vs. Backpacks for Endurance Cycling
04:29 Optimizing Hydration Strategies for Leadville
06:30 Using Ice and Insulated Bladders
14:26 Swapping Bladders in a Hydration Pack
19:18 DIY Solutions and Proper Proportions
27:32 The Relationship Between Weight Loss and Performance
33:46 Examples of Low Calorie Density Meals
36:32 Making Low Calorie Density Foods More Palatable


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